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Three Hungarian energy efficiency regulations amended

The latest package of amendments to the three regulations was published in the August 18 issue of the Hungarian Gazette in the 12/2023. (VIII. 18.) MEKH decree. The essence of these amendments, based on the announcement, is as follows:

Módosult három magyar energiahatékonysági rendelet
Three Hungarian energy efficiency regulations amended

1. Amendment to decree 17/2020. (XII. 21.) MEKH on reporting of end-user energy savings: This amendment specifies the deadline and data content for the organization operating the certified energy savings market. Additionally, it sets the redemption fee (50,000 HUF/GJ) as an alternative legal consequence against the certifying organization, which is equal to the energy efficiency contribution payable by the EKR obligated party in case of non-compliance with the energy savings obligation.

2. Amendment to decree 1/2017. (II. 16.) MEKH on reporting by energy auditors and energy auditing organizations and annual reporting obligations of participating organizations: This amendment expands the data content related to energy audit reporting to include the amount of energy savings that can be accounted for in the EKR.

3. Amendment to decree 2/2017. (II. 16.) MEKH on reporting of energy consumption and energy savings by large enterprises and organizations required to use energy specialists: This amendment clarifies the method of annual data reporting to the Office and reduces administrative burdens by narrowing the content of the data to be reported.

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